
It is cool... it IS cool!

Panda-san & I have finally, finally, finally been given the opportunity to possess some of the things we have been awaiting and it's about effin' time. (Hey, when you're poor you have to relish your blessings as they come! XD) 2 books I have been curious to read: Practical Magic and Where the Heart Is. 2 movies he's been itching to share: Sanjuro and Great Expectations. 2 video games: Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga (and we found it cheap!! Thank you, half.com!!) and (complete with 30+ hours of extra AND all 70+ original hours of game-play!!) Persona 3 FES. Now his SMT collection is finally (FINALLY) complete and we didn't have to put ourselves in the poorhouse to do so either (FYI: Digital Devil Saga is rare and out of print. Some ppl were charging up to $300.00).

**insert necessary squeals here**

Panda has opted to start the game all over, I however refuse to lose my (almost) 200 hours of game-play as I am also nearing the end. Watching all the awesome cut scenes over again is fantabulous and the soundtrack still wins AND I still fucking hate and despise Yukari Takeba (die x 99,999). For your viewing pleasure (FF to 5:30 to avoid watching almost ten minutes of game-play and Yukari's retardation)* I share my favorite scene, the brutal Eva-esque SHREDDING of a shadow by *main character*'s persona:

Fucking sweet.

I'm seriously getting out of hand with crossword puzzles lately, I even bought one for the DS. It's becoming a thing.

*Better video found minus the bullshit.

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